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Spring has sprung, gers! It’s officially here! Well, it’s been officially here for a few days now 1:1 quality replica designer prada bags , but I’m a blogger, you can’t expect me to be up on things like dates and calendars. That wasn’t in my contract. But I’ve crawled out from under my rock (or, more realistically, off of my couch), looked outside, and realized that the sun and warmth I’ve been bellyaching for for months is actually OUT THERE. RIGHT NOW. Who would have known? And more importantly, why don’t I have a spring clutch already? In Athens, everyone goes out at night. We’re a college town, and the bar scene is the basis of our social structure (and the wind in most people’s wings). Since I now work from home, a daytime bag for every occasion isn’t necessarily crucial (since, let’s face it, I don’t get out that much), but a nighttime bag? More important than ever. And for that purpose, I submit the Michael Kors Woven Raffia Clutch for your consideration. Fun color? Check. It’s a red with both pink and orange undertones, making it eternally sunny and capable of matching and coordinating with numerous other colors. Appropriate material? Check. Tightly woven raffia is the most obviously warm-weather fabric out there, and the weave on this is a bit different than most and interesting to look at. Correct size? Check. It’s not too big to lug around all night, but it’s not too small to fit my giant, janitor-sized key ring. Reasonable price? Check – sort of. In the broad scheme of bags, it certainly isn’t bad, but I have some kind of mental block against shelling out cash on any clutch I’d actually think about using, since I would inevitably destroy it. This is a bag I’d consider ponying up for, though. Buy through Net-a-Porter for $350. P.S. Please consider supporting our small, bag-loving team by clicking our links before shopping or checking out at your favorite online retailers like Amazon mihalis ,Neiman Marcus,Nordstrom,or any of the listed partners on our shop page. We truly appreciate your support!
Michael Kors Woven Raffia Clutch
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