GDS @ Bloomfield College | In this game, you can dodge anything the basic strategy is get
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In this game, you can dodge anything the basic strategy is get

11 Sep In this game, you can dodge anything the basic strategy is get

Signs of a common cold include a runny nose or congestion, a sore throat and a small cough. If your symptoms are mild and you feel well enough, Voigt says it’s probably fine to travel. But just make sure you practice proper hygiene: Washing your hands frequently and sneezing into the crook of your arm can reduce the spread of germs if you’re out and about..

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canada goose outlet reviews Results of tenders for constructing and operating the two plants near the city of Ouarzazate, one of at least 200 MW and the other of at least 100 MW, are expected in the next few weeks, the sources said. Then plants are scheduled to start generating power in 2017.The two plants are the second phase of the 500 MW Ouarzazate project, which is part of a government plan to produce 2 gigawatts of solar power by 2020, equivalent to about 38 percent of Morocco current installed generation capacity.Moroccan solar energy agency Masen said consortiums led by Spain Abengoa, GDF International Power and ACWA Power had been pre selected for the 200 MW (Noor II) tender.The three groups have also pre qualified for the 100 MW (Noor III) tender, along with another consortium led by Electricite de France.The consortium led by ACWA group, which includes Spanish international engineering company Sener, bid $0.1601 per kilowatt hour in power tariffs from the completed plant, the lowest bid received by Masen to build Noor II, the sources said.Abengoa consortium made the cheapest offer of $0.1672 per Kwh to build Noor III.If Masen decides to combine the bids for the two plants, the ACWA bids overall would beat Abengoa the sources said.two options have been considered. We are studying the two tenders separately as the technology is not the same, but we are also considering combining the two bids as almost the same bidders have been selected for the two plants, a source from Masen told canada goose clearance Reuters.Masen has chosen parabolic mirror technology for the 200 MW solar plant, while the 100 MW plant will be built as a solar power tower.Banking sources have said the estimated cost is 1.7 billion euros ($2.1 billion) 1 billion for the 200 MW plant and 700 million for the 100 MW plant.To finance the plants, Morocco has secured loans Canada Goose sale of $519 million loan from the World Bank, 654 million euros from German state owned bank KFW, and the rest from the canada goose coats on sale African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Commission and European Investment Bank canada goose outlet reviews.