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I describe and photograph the items as accurately as possible. I make an honest effort to mention any flaws. Purchases are Designer Fake Bags made on a final sale/as is basis. I do not accept exchanges/refunds. Please send me a message Replica Handbags before purchasing if you have any questions. I always ship items without tracking to keep the shipping cost as low as possible, please contact me if you’d like your item(s) shipped with tracking. I reuse shipping materials as often as possible, so the KnockOff Handbags packages Replica Bags will not always look pretty. Curated Heaven is not responsible for items lost in transit.
Props Handbags Replica used in the photos are not included in this listing.
No returns. All sales are considered final unless the item was damaged or flaws were overlooked in description. In this case, you will be offered a full refund. Due to the nature of vintage goods, there Replica Bags Wholesale may be minor flaws or imperfections. These add to the beauty and uniqueness of each item.
I describe and photograph the items as accurately as high quality replica handbags possible. I make an honest effort to mention any flaws. Purchases are Wholesale Replicas Bags made on a Replica Designer Handbags final sale/as is basis. I do not accept exchanges/refunds. Please send https://www.bagstradeol.com me a message replica handbags online before purchasing if you have any wholesale replica designer handbags questions.
Curated Heaven is not responsible for items lost in transit.
If an item is returned for any other reason, a 20% restocking fee will be charged, and all shipping costs will be Wholesale Replica Bags covered by the purse replica handbags buyer.
If your purchase comes back unclaimed, I can either resend the package (with extra shipping costs) or give you Fake Handbags a refund (excluding shipping cost).
The time I need to replica Purse prepare an order for shipping varies.
To keep the cost of shipping as low as possible, Fake Designer Bags I only send items without tracking. Please ask before you buy Designer Replica Bags if you want tracked shipping on an item.
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I not responsible for delays due to customs. The second the package leaves my hands, I am no longer responsible for its whereabouts.
Please keep in mind that overseas packages take longer to arrive. (Approximately 1 3 weeks). I ship all my items out of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Please keep in mind that vintage clothing is pre worn and will likely have minor signs of wear.
All items are measured lying flat. For best results, measure your own personal garment this way, and compare. Unless otherwise noted, the measurements listed aaa replica designer handbags are of the garment itself, and it best to leave a bit of room for replica handbags china comfort.
If you are not completely confident in your purchase, please ask questions before purchasing. Check measurements to ensure that the item will work for you, and if you would like more photos, or more detailed measurements, I will be happy to send cheap replica handbags them.