24 Jun If your purchase is a Reserved
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We accept PayPal and major credit cards through direct Etsy checkout for all Love Christine Bracelets, Charms Things purchases. If your purchase is a Reserved, Layaway or Fake Handbags Custom order, or if insurance and/or tracking charges are involved, we will wait until all payments are received before proceeding with your order fulfillment.
We make every effort to ensure that the pricing displayed on our website is correct, however, we reserve the right to alter all product pricing without notice. Additionally, events outside Love Christine Bracelets, Charms Things control, which are not reasonably foreseeable, shall be considered Force Majeure, and Love Christine Bracelets, Charms Things is released from obligations to fulfill contractual agreements under such circumstances.
Please note that local sales taxes, customs duty, or other local charges may occur, depending on your region and local aaa replica designer handbags customs duties. These charges are at the customer own expense.
We understand the feeling of having the desire to buy something without the current funds set aside to make the purchase. For that reason we wish to offer our Customers the convenience of paying for purchases in installments by making a reasonable down payment, followed by weekly, bi weekly or monthly payments.
Communications concerning your LAYAWAY PLAN is of particular importance, and will be via ETSY CONVO emailthis ‘paper trail’ starts when you advise us of the item you wish to purchase, followed by our agreement of the payment schedule.
LOVE CHRISTINE’S will reserve your item(s) so that others cannot purchase it, and immediately create the first of a series of listings (Down Payment Listing being the first), followed by listings which reflect our agreed upon payments schedule. This first listing represents a minimum 20%, calculated on the listing price plus shipping charge and applicable taxes, if any, and is NON REFUNDABLE. You may agree a Down Payment Listing Amount which is greater wholesale replica designer handbags than 20%, but remember that the first 20% of your total purchase price, including shipping charge and applicable taxes, Designer Replica Bags is NON REFUNDABLE.
All Listings relating to your chosen LAYAWAY PLAN will be personalized in such a way so that you will recognize it. There is no interest charged on outstanding amounts and there are no late payment charges. This is a two way street, and we want it to be as simple as possible, designed to achieve our mutual Designer Fake Bags objectives.
Once you have paid for that Down Payment Listing, a second Listing will be created and posted by us to reflect the first installment of your chosen payment schedule, and so it will go until the purchase is paid in full, followed by our shipping the product to you. Of course earlier payments, or larger payments may be made at any time, simply advise us through ETSY CONVO email, and we will adjust the listing accordingly.
If, for whatever reason, you decide to stop making payments, or you have missed a chosen payment schedule by 30 days and are unable to consider further payments, a portion of your payments to date may be refundable to you. The minimum 20% Down Payment is never refundable, but 90% of your payments received under the chosen payment schedule will normally be refundable. The 10% non refundable difference in your scheduled payments received by us includes the listing fees, administrative fees, credit card fees etc. that we have had to pay out relative to the multiple listings Fake Designer Bags for your purchase. If a refund is appropriate we will also deduct the wire transfer or similar charges from the refund balance being returned to you. If you have encountered a problem during the course of your LAYAWAY PLAN, please contact us by ETSY CONVO email, and we will try to work out a solution.
Our aim is 100% Customer Satisfaction!
You may cancel any order, provided it has not yet been shipped. Our Customer Care service simply requests a written cancellation of your order. If successful we will send you an e mail and the cancellation will be free of charge. If the cancellation was not possible, the product(s) will be delivered to you.
We can exchange any item if there is a particular issue we have tried to be very diligent by including size information in all our product listings or, you may simply prefer something else. You will be responsible replica handbags online for all postage costs in Replica Bags this event, together with any cost differential in the new product chosen by you.
You are entitled to return products delivered to you in the event that they are defective, however great care is taken to ensure that no defective products will ever be knowingly shipped by us. If you believe your product to be defective, please contact us within five (5) days of receipt and let us know what you believe to be the problem, and we will determine the best way to resolve the issue, including a refund of your costs, excluding shipping charges.
If, for whatever reason, you decide to stop making LAYAWAY PLAN payments, or you have missed a chosen payment schedule by 30 days and are unable to consider further payments, a portion of your payments to date may be refundable to you. The minimum 20% Down Payment is never refundable, but 90% of your payments received under the chosen payment schedule will normally be refundable. The 10% non refundable difference in your scheduled Handbags Replica payments received by us includes the listing fees, administrative fees, credit card fees etc. that we have had to pay out relative to the multiple cheap replica handbags listings for your purchase. Replica Bags Wholesale If a refund is appropriate we will also deduct the wire transfer or similar charges from the refund balance being returned to you. If Goyard Replica Handbags you have encountered a problem during the course of your LAYAWAY PLAN, please contact us by ETSY CONVO email, and we will try to work out a solution.
Our aim is 100% Customer Satisfaction!
You may cancel any order, provided it has not yet been shipped. Our Customer Care service simply requests a written cancellation of your order. If successful we will send you an e mail and the cancellation will be free of charge. If the Replica Designer Handbags cancellation was not possible, the product(s) will be delivered to you.
We can exchange any item if there is a particular issue we have tried to be very diligent by including size information in all our product listings or, you may simply prefer something else. You will be responsible for all postage costs in this event, together with any cost differential in the new product chosen by you.
You are entitled to return products delivered to you in the event that they are defective, however great care is taken to ensure that no defective products will ever be knowingly shipped by us. If you believe your product to be defective, please contact us within five (5) days of receipt and let us know what you believe to be the problem, and Wholesale Replica Bags we will determine the best way to resolve the issue, including a refund of your costs, excluding shipping charges.
If, for whatever reason, you decide to stop making LAYAWAY PLAN payments, or you have missed a chosen payment schedule by 30 days and are unable to consider further payments, a portion of your payments to date may be refundable to you. The minimum 20% Down Payment is purse replica handbags never refundable, but 90% of your payments received under the chosen payment schedule will normally be refundable. The 10% non refundable difference in your scheduled payments received by us includes the listing fees, administrative fees, credit card fees etc. that we have had to pay out https://www.aabags.ru relative to the multiple listings for your purchase. If a refund is appropriate we will also deduct the wire transfer or similar charges from the refund balance being returned to you. If you have encountered a problem during the course of your LAYAWAY PLAN, please contact us by ETSY CONVO email, and we will try to work out a solution.
Our aim is 100% Customer Satisfaction!
We will ship your purchase within 1 to 3 business days after your payment has been confirmed. It is our expectation that delivery to you, if you reside in the United States, United Kingdom or Canada, utilizing the services of Canada Post, United States Postal Services Royal Mail, will take place after our shipment was made, as follows:
Canada: 3 to 8 Business Days (Monday to Friday)
USA: 8 to 12 Business Days (Monday to Friday)
UK: 4 to 6 Weeks (although shorter times are common)
Other Overseas: By Special Request only, and will include Tracking and Insurance charges.
There is NO GUARANTEE with our standard shipping method. Our standard shipping charges to Canada and the USA UK are low, for your benefit, as we do not insure or place tracking information on our regular collection shipments; however, if you require these services Replica Handbags please let us know and the additional charges will be added to your account. This expedited and more secure shipping method normally costs an additional $20 $25.
On the other hand, Christine’s Classics collection (vintage items), will be shipped with tracking features, and are shipped to overseas destinations, as well as the USA and Canada; Christine’s Classics shipping charges are significantly higher than Love Christine’s Bracelets Charms Things regular collection items, and vary depending on destination, weight and value.
In either case, please understand that we cannot take responsibility for postal or customs delays, which are beyond our control, and we repeat that local sales high quality replica handbags taxes, customs duty, or other local charges may occur, depending on your region and local customs duties. These charges are at the customer own expense.
It is recommended that you double check your shipping address, as this is KnockOff Handbags most often the cause replica Purse of lost or delayed deliveries. We cannot be responsible for any address errors made by the purchaser. replica handbags china Your shipping address should be the same as your address registered with Etsy and/or PayPal; differences may cause delay in fulfilling your order.