Large Image With Sidebar
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Posted at 04:50h
by jlally
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Posted at 04:33h
by jlally
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Posted at 02:01h
by jlally
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Beyoncé may be a trendsetter, but in this case, Kim Kardashian wore it first. On Tuesday, the 36-year-old singer stepped...
Posted at 06:47h
by jlally
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Posted at 04:54h
by jlally
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Posted at 03:56h
by jlally
This time of year can stir up a lot of shadows the emotions, beliefs, habits, and patterns stored deep inside the psyche that dictate our relationships with our bodies. We see it in every program and workshop we do. Person after person shares the depths...
Posted at 03:53h
by jlally
It was totally unscathed. So, unless there are other manmade substances that I dont know of that dont react with acetone, the inserts of this one are of real amber. If there are, I would be glad to hear of them.. For a Parkland woman,...
Posted at 11:54h
by jlally
Ukuleles are another popular Hawaiian souvenir. These are miniature guitars that have been prevalent in Hawaii since ancient times. Again, just like the hula lamp, you can spend anywhere from about thirty bucks and up (really up). Yet another federal court has said that children...
Posted at 09:08h
by jlally
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