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Developing a Comprehensive Behavior Management System for Difficult Students
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canada goose uk black friday If procedures are canada goose deals well developed and clear, then canadian goose jacket there will be less confusion in understanding them and less of a chance of disruption. Each component of a procedure should be delineated and explained so students can understand why each part is important. Expectations are important here; if kids know what to expect and see how a procedure can lead to a smooth transition, then it should be easier for them to follow the procedure. Once they continue following a procedure consistently and without problems, a routine can be established so the class can function well.6 years ago from Northern California canada goose uk black friday
canada goose uk outlet Thank you for your comment! The actual system is called a “comprehensive behavior management system” comprehensive is used as part of the name rather than to describe the Hub! :)6 years ago from California canada goose uk outlet
canada goose clearance sale While the advice in this hub is good, I would hardly consider it as “comprehensive.” There’s nothing here about teaching character. Consequences and rewards are band aid tools for behavior modification, not long term behavior change. Also, the proposed system works for the general populace. I don’t think it applies to “difficult” students. The difficult ones require more accommodations, such as a Section 504 plan and if that doesn’t work, an individualized education plan (IEP). In sum, I think you have some valid points in your hub but it falls very short of the title that lured me into reading it. canada goose clearance sale
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