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When I collaborated with Cartier last year, I saw firsthand the Maison’s dedication to uncompromising quality and workmanship, which may very well be the only old-fashioned aspect of the storied house at this point. And that’s a good thing! The brand new C de Cartier bag brings Cartier into the 21st century jensarentzen.dk , made for the girl who mixes her Love and Juste un clou cuffs with flirty vintage dresses or casual denim overalls.Forget flashy hardware. In a variety of shades inspired by fine gemstones, the spacious satchel subtly glimmers in turquoise, pink quartz, or onyx leather, to name a few (the palette was inspired by the Maison’s signature jewel shades). Smoothly structured lines and a firmly zipped interior give way to ever-so slouched gussets. Combined with a convertible top-handle-to-shoulder strap option, this is a bag that’s as versatile as the Cartier-loving Snob who carries it. The limited-edition Cartier C de Cartier bag is available in small, $2 high quality prada replica ,030, and medium, $2,200, at Cartier.
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