27 Jan 19 Table 1 shows the 19 codesigned improvements implemented and
In total, 62 improvements were identified and implemented across the four services.19 Table 1 shows the 19 codesigned improvements implemented and sustained over two years in one of the breast cancer services.Codesigned improvements in a breast cancer service18View this table:View popupView inlineAn international survey of EBCD projects in healthcare services identified 59 projects implemented in six countries (Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Sweden) during 2005 13 and a further 27 projects in the planning stage.14 Boxes 1 and 2 provide case studies of the outcomes resulting from initiatives to codesign services and products with patients and carers.Box 1: Improving the experience of carers of patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy 20Supporting someone through chemotherapy can be emotionally and physically demanding. This study tested the feasibility and acceptability of a complex intervention for carers that was codesigned by staff and carers.The intervention, which became known as Take Care fake oakley sunglasses, was developed using EBCD. The design process began with 20 hours of non participant observation, 20 semi structured interviews with staff members, and 20 filmed narrative based interviews with carers.
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